Ai Designs was started in March 2008 by Naoko Okanishi, who under the professional Jewellery designer name of Naoko Luis has been working in the Jewellery industry since 1991 starting in Japan. She has worked with many famous crafts men in Japan has been involved in a large number of jewellery businesses. In 1996 Naoko joined Bentine Gems Pty Ltd in Sydney Australia. Bentine was the largest Australian opal company in the world. Naoko’s role in Bentine was as an international jewellery designer as well as an international gemstone and jewellery buyer. This role continued for 12 years and Naoko continues her worldwide connections in the jewellery industry to this day. Naoko’s exquisite designs are worn with pride by many famous actors and sport stars.
Addition to this Naoko started cutting opals since 2018 and professionally dealing as an opal specialist as well as an opal cutter.
Ai Designs’ name is derived from the Japanese word “Ai” which can be translated as “Love” or “Harmony”. It is pronounced like the personal pronoun “I” in English. Ai Designs’ name and motto reflect the harmonious and spiritual environment where like-minded designers and clients can share their love of beautiful designs “Ai Designs, My Designs”. Let your Spirit Shine!
Ai Designs’ mission is to offer the very best services in;
Australian opal: At Ai Designs we are professional opal dealers as well as opal jewellery designers. In addition to this Ai Designs runs international opal exhibitions.
Fashion Jewellery: At Ai Designs we specialize in high fashion costume jewellery. This can be seen in our online shop; we also take custom beading orders to match your dresses. This range is displayed and sold with pride by various boutiques and shops domestically and internationally.
Custom order jewellery design: At Ai Designs we know and understand all the intricacies and requirements needed to create unique jewellery designs that make use of the best jewellery materials. We cater to the individual customer (local and international). Our designs start as hand drawn sketches, these are then perfected with Jewel cad software and the final product is manufactured in either Australia or Japan.
Bridal Jewellery: At Ai Designs we offer the very best in Japanese platinum technology for diamond engagement rings and wedding bands that will make your wedding day a truly memorable day.
Jewellery classes: Ai Designs runs weekly classes on the manufacture of semiprecious stones, pearls and crystal glass beads high fashion jewellery.